Mumla is a client for the voice chat system Mumble. Connect to one of the many public Mumble-servers run by the community, or host one yourself (see for more info). Mumla is an updated and maintained version (a fork) of the app Plumble.To give a little support towards the maintenance and development of Mumla, please find and purchase the donation version of Mumla.Some of the features:* Certificate generation, import and export * Browse public servers * Voice activated transmission (the default), or different Push-to-talk buttons * Bluetooth headset support * Self-registration on server * Access tokens * Opus, CELT, and Speex codec support * Automatic reconnection * Tor support through the Orbot app * Text-to-speech for messages (turned on by default) * Light and dark theme Voice activated transmission currently works best when using a headset. The echo cancellation and noise reduction need better implementations. You may also try tweaking the Detection threshold in the settings.Mumla is free and open source software. Find out more at: